Do you ever fee like everything is working against you? Like others are set to succeed but not you? Or do you wonder if you could really accomplish more but then realize that it’s a lost cause??
Well, it may be that your unconscious is limiting you to what you can really accomplish or get out of life! And why? Because a limiting mindset has been ingrained in you.
Lately it seems to be all around us, this topic of mindset. You’re told to be positive, be optimistic and things will change, that’s the key! But I have to admit that I myself have had doubts for many years about the power of the inner voice.
I mean, how does thinking positively really bring you wealth, change your circumstances, bring good things your way? After all, you can’t change the external factors, am I right!?
Growing up you always hear, think positive, be optimistic, take control, etc. But then you are beaten down into thinking you aren’t capable, you aren’t worthy, you can’t be successful.
Why? Where does this limiting come from? Well lately I’ve been noticing things all around me that talk about this, and the pieces are finally starting to come into play.
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What I’ve discovered is something that you absolutely must hear, because it WILL help you! And here it is:
You limit yourself because the world tells you you should, despite what your parents or support system may tell you, the world tells you differently, from the moment you come into it and certainly from the moment you start school.
Take writing as an example…..the teacher tells you to watch grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. And in doing that, though well-intentioned, you are essentially taught not to write how you think, how you feel, and how you ultimately want to express yourself!
In worrying about the rules, you are limiting yourself, not to what you want to say, but purely to HOW you say it. And this thought alone causes you to back off and not be you.
Almost instantaneously you start to question your abilities and focus more on the technique needed than anything else because you are taught that THAT is what is most important.
It’s not what you want to say or what you want to do. No, it’s more important that you do it the “right” way. And if you can’t do it the “right” way, then you shouldn’t do it at all……at least that’s what your inner voice says.
The thing is, yes, technique is important. You want to be understandable, but if perfect technique isn’t who you are then it will never come from an authentic place. And you will automatically stop believing in yourself and the possibility of success.
Have you ever seen the movie “Center Stage”? It’s a guilty pleasure of mine, admittedly. And if you’ve seen it, then you may recall that at one point the movie references Margot Fontaine.
Jody states that Margot Fontaine didn’t have “great feet” to which the choreographer replies, “When Margot Fontaine was on stage, you couldn’t take your eyes off of her……that can’t be taught.”
So if you look at this example, and really think about what he’s saying, he’s saying that Margot Fontaine did not limit her beliefs to focusing on perfect technique.
She had something that most people really don’t. She had the confidence and belief in herself despite the fact that she didn’t have perfect technique. She likely simply said, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this with maybe even a little “screw you guys and your technique! I CAN DO THIS!”
And THAT thought, those words are likely what made her successful. Sure she had to learn the basics and master them as best she could, but her mastery of the basics was her own, not someone else’s idea of what perfect technique was, bad feet and all.
And why? Because when you truly believe you can do something, you can.
So believe in yourself, starting right now. Believe you can achieve that lifelong dream, believe you can achieve success, believe you can achieve weight loss, believe you can achieve health.
Whatever it is that you want. Believe you can, believe you can, believe you can!
Under the restrictions of technique, rules, guidelines, etc, you can’t truly be free. And since all of these guidelines start from an early age, your self-doubt and limiting belief that you can’t do what is possible begins…..”success was meant for other people, not for you. They can accomplish it, you can’t.”
But you can! Now I’m not saying to throw out all of the rules, don’t get me wrong. You should absolutely pay your bills, follow the laws (yes that includes driving laws!), eat healthy food, etc.
But what I AM saying is that you have the ability to achieve ANYTHING that you want by pushing through the crap that people told you was NOT possible…..essentially saying “to hell with that, watch me do it,” and then keep on keeping on. If you don’t give up, then you will eventually get there.
You may think that my telling you all of this means that I have mastered the art of positive thinking and a no-limits mindset. But really its quite the opposite.
I continue to work on this every day, because my entire life, I’ve struggled with self-doubt, negative inner speak, and an extremely limiting mindset. Does this sound like you?
Believe it or not, it’s because of this, that I can speak with some authority on the subject. See, about a year and a half ago, I started following an inspirational social media influencer named Tanya Aliza. She often talks about mindset and not giving up.
(If this is something you can relate to, let’s work together to get you out of that limited mindset too! Please contact me directly by clicking here.)
Then I started on a journey of self-healing by way of therapy and mindfulness. And what I have found so far, is that just by taking these steps, and taking a more positive approach, I have actually started to be happier, more successful, and more grateful.
I’ve started to believe in myself more, to push myself, so that I can help you too because I know you. Even though I don’t know you, I know you!
I know you lay awake at night thinking about all the possibilities of what could be. I know you long for things to change. I know you want to move forward and start to live your best life, based on your rules, not what society has told you to do (ahem, 9-5 job, ahem).
I know this because I’ve been there. And I am still there from time to time. But because I’ve started to truly believe, not just tell myself I believe, but REALLY believe, I have started to see changes.
And I know you will too. So do me a favor, think about what it is that you want. Then think about why it is that you don’t have it or haven’t accomplished it……is it because other people tell you that you can’t? Maybe not directly, but in their tone, their actions, their indirect speak? Or is it you telling yourself you can’t?
Maybe it’s weight loss related. You think “nothing else has worked, why would this be any different?” Yeah, I get it. You’ve been beaten down and are tired of “failing” so of course if you don’t try again, then you won’t fail.
But here’s the thing, comfort zones, the status quo, or whatever thought keeps you from moving forward might be familiar, but nothing ever grows there!
There’s a reason why successful people are risk takers…..because they haven’t let what society tells them is acceptable to stop what it is they want to accomplish. They essentially say, “screw you, watch me.” And they keep going.
You have that ability in you as well. And I believe you can do it. In fact, I know you can.
So take those limiting beliefs that you’ve let control your life for so long and throw them out the window, starting today! Because your health and wellness depends on it. Your family depends on it, and most importantly, your happiness depends on it.
You only get one life, at least that you consciously know of, so start living it to the fullest and stop letting other people tell you that what you want can’t be done.
If you like what I’m saying, if this sounds like you, then you NEED to reach out to me! Click here to contact me now!
And if you want to continue on this journey with me as a passenger, then don’t forget to pick up my free guide, My 5 MUST-HAVES Smartphone Apps Every Good Mom Should Have to Keep Your Family Safe and Healthy by clicking the button below.
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Have an amazing day you beautiful SUPER MAMA! 💪🏼🦸🏻♀️
Until next time……
Here’s to achieving true wellness!
P.S – What do you want to know about? Drop me a comment below and let me know what you’d like to learn more about to help you achieve true wellness!